Take Your Time and Save Money in the Process

I’m not one to spend hours figuring out exactly which product is best when I go to buy something.

If I’m looking to make a particular purchase, I’ll take a look at two or three similar items and then pick one. I’m more of a go-with-my-gut kind of person, and that’s served me pretty well for the most part.

But…sometimes a little research goes a long way in saving you money on an item you’re planning to buy.

Price research, that is. And it’s super easy to do with the internet. I like to use Google Product Search (which used to be called the much fun-er name of Froogle).

You can plop in the name & details of the item you’re thinking of buying, and then sort the results by relevance, price, product rating, or seller rating. Anyone have other sites that you like to check?

I also like to search for discounts and coupons for the products & services I’m looking at buying. I figure if I’m going to buy it anyway, I may as well spend a little less.