Put Those Cut-Up Credit Cards and Empty Gift Cards to Good Use
So, you’ve said “No more!” to running up debt on your credit cards and are ready to cut them up. Or maybe you’ve used up the gift cards you’ve received. How about getting some additional use out of them for a change?
Here are ten things you can do with old credit cards or gift cards:
1. Create a credit card flower box to hang on your fridge. (Better to grow a plant than debt.)
2. Play a different tune by turning the cards into guitar picks.
3. Create a mosaic picture frame. (Although if I were using cut-up credit cards, I’d be tempted to do this with a mirror and etch the words “never again” on it.)
4. Make a handy dandy portable iPod stand.
5. Who needs a Swiss Army Knife when you can have Credit Card Cutlery?
6. Make a logbook to record your purchases or mileage.
7. Or some signs to identify the plants in your garden.
8. If you’re feeling creative, make some magnets for your fridge
9. If you’re feeling especially artistic, you can make some original artwork along the lines of the art in the Graphic Design Museum.
10. Finally, you don’t even have to do anything special to the cards to use them to: Clean off the glass in your aquarium, scrape gunk off the countertops, scrape a thin layer of ice off your windshield, or smooth out caulk.
I used a little tape with mine, built a so-called “mountain” or pyramid type thing with them, and called it “Debt Mountain”.
I put it in my lving room and it made for quite a conversation piece.
I bet that did spark some interesting conversations!
The logbook idea just rocked my world. What a great (and ironic) idea for tracking spending. And that blog is fabulous (just like yours!), so I’m going to be stealing all kinds of craftastic goodness from her.
CF, yeah I thought it was pretty ironic too. I’ll have to check out her blog in more detail once I recover from my trip.