Final Goal Update of 2010

It’s time for my final goal update for the year. How did you do on your goals this year? Did you toss any out or slam dunk any of them?

Here’s how I did:

    • Finish funding my 2009 Roth IRA – DONE


    • Fully fund my 2010 IRA – Almost made it. I’m at $4466 for 2010, so I’ll finish up the last bit of this before tax day.


    • Pay a minimum of $35 extra per month toward mortgage, and send additional as well – DONE. (We’ve been sending a LOT extra these last couple of months, and will continue to do so every chance we get ’til the mortgage is paid off.)


    • Increase my income by at least 100% – I did this for 3 out of the last 4 months. Here’s hoping I can make it for every month next year.


    • Reduce minimum regular expenses to $1800 or less – DONE. Although, my actual expenses are a lot more than that.


    • Practice moderation – Didn’t make this one. Also, it was a badly written goal because I had no way of measuring it.


    • Try something different every month this year – This fell by the wayside early on.


  • Build up to exercising 2-3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time – Didn’t even come close on this one.


  • APF

    Congratulations on kick some Roth butt! Pretty confident those last $34 will make it in for the tax year haha. Great job keeping expenses in their place and upping the cash flow! I’m in a similar boat for the last few months since I came out of unemployment – financial headway, but not so much on the exercise. Maybe next year we’ll be fitness gods?

  • Congrats! You hit big ones out of the park! I have my total update going up next month, but it pretty much boils down to I hit all the financial ones (or will hit by April) and failed the weight-oriented ones, lol. I discovered blogging…

  • Thanks for the update. What are your goals for 2011?

  • Jackie,

    Congrats on your accomplishments. Can you give us some insight on how you increased your income by a whopping 100%? Is it side income that adds on to your day income as you write 3 out of 4 months?

    I think I increased my monthly income by an unimpressive 15% MAX, and now it’s back down to only like 6-7%.

    Cheers, Sam