Category Archives: Setting & Achieving Goals

Are You Ready for More?

Ever have one of those days where you get home after yet another day of rushing around and think, “There’s got to be more to life than being busy all the time”? Or maybe the reverse is true for you — you find yourself listless and bored, aimlessly looking at the TV or the internet. You’re finding something to do, but it’s not really something you’re all that interested in. » Read more

5 Powerful Ways to Invest in Yourself

So many great tips here – and all of them are really easy ways to just step back and make one or two small changes that can improve your quality of life immensely. Invest in yourself!You’ll hear it said that the best investment you can make isn’t in stocks or bonds. Instead, it’s in yourself. But have you thought about what it really means to invest in yourself? I’ll give you a hint: It’s not about the money.

Most people think that “invest on yourself” is really just another way of saying “go back to school and get a degree” or “spend money on a conference”. And while you could do those things, investing in yourself is not about spending money or taking classes per se.

Instead, it’s about taking a look at your life to see what areas you could be doing better in and/or at areas you’d just plain old like to explore, and then taking the time to do so. And that’s not limited to formal education by any means. Here are 5 powerful ways to invest in yourself. » Read more

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