Category Archives: Money Management

Four Money Habits that Will Make You Rich

Habits to look intoYou don’t need to win the lottery to become wealthy. It’s much easier than that, and a whole lot more likely to happen if you create and maintain good money habits. Taken together, here are four money habits that will make you rich.

1. Save and invest

Always, always, always save and invest a portion of your income. Start out at 10%, and increase it each year from there until you’re setting aside a large percentage. If you do this from your very first job on, you’ll have painlessly accumulated a good sum of money. Do not touch this money at any point along the way, no matter how tempted you are. (Touching the money your money earns for you is another matter.) » Read more

Money Management: Where to Start?

Some things to keep in mind when managing moneyBecause money management covers such a wide variety of things, getting your finances into shape can be overwhelming at times. It can be hard to even know where to start, which can leave you paralyzed.

This can be true even if you break the things you need to do down by topic.

But there ARE a few strategies that can help. Here are some things to keep in mind. » Read more

Let’s Talk About Money

What kind of talks do you give yourself about money? Be honest. Then check out #MoneyChat for tips on how to get out of debt, successfully manage your money, and create financial securityWhat kind of talks do you give yourself about money? Be honest: Are they pep talks or whines? (Or maybe a little bit of both?)

What you say to yourself (and others) about money matters, so start hearing your words. As you start noticing the way you talk about money, remember you can always change your words and actions if you don’t like what you hear.

I’m not the only one who believes it matters, either. Dorethia Conner wrote #MoneyChat THE BOOK to help others get out of debt, manage their money, and create financial security.

Her book is clear, engaging, and actionable. (As creator of the Pay Off Debt app, the “Don’t manage your debt, get rid of it!” chapter heading produced an immediate Yes! in my book.) Dorethia’s pretty cool too! So here’s a little Q&A with her about #MoneyChat THE BOOK, which officially launched today on Amazon. Check it out :) » Read more

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