Category Archives: Emotions & Money

Be Who You Are

Maybe it's time to stop spending and buying to fit in.We spend our lives trying to be the person we think we should be. Sometimes those “shoulds” comes from outside sources: our family and friends, our coworkers, or even just society in general.

And it starts young.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” we’re asked.

“Get good grades so you can get into a great college.”

As we get older, it becomes “When are you two going to tie the knot/have kids?” or “Don’t you think it’s about time for a _____?” » Read more

The Twelve Temptations

These may seem like good ideas on the surface, but they're really recipes for disaster.Most of us have been (or will be) tempted to do one or more of the following things during some point of our financial lives. These are all really common things to do with money.

Unfortunately, while they usually seem like good ideas on the surface, all too often they’re recipes for disaster. Here are twelve money temptations to avoid.

1. Using money to meet your emotional needs.

While no one wakes up one day and says, “Hey, I think I’ll go out and buy something to meet my emotional needs” it’s not uncommon to think things like “I’m bored, maybe I’ll go shopping” or “I’ve had a hard week, I deserve this new video game.”

The problem with using money to meet your emotional needs is twofold: it doesn’t work (except on a very temporary basis) and it leaves you with less money (money that you could probably better use elsewhere). » Read more

One Dollar, Two Dollars, Three Dollars, Four

What would happen if we really made every dollar count?I heard a radio ad that started out in a very serious-sounding tone with, “In these economic times, every dollar counts.”

I couldn’t help but blurt out, “Doesn’t every dollar always count!?”

Now, of course I knew what they meant: Times are tough, use your money wisely, buy our stuff.

But that isn’t the point. The point is, we often don’t use every dollar wisely. Often this is unconscious. » Read more

Perfection is Overrated

Why perfection is overrated when it comes to your money -- and your lifeHave you ever gotten that “Tell me about one of your weaknesses” question during an interview?

“I tend to be a perfectionist” is one of the standard answers.

That answer is meant to emphasize that you work really hard to do a good job, but the truth is, the idea of perfection is overrated.

Especially when it comes to your money. » Read more

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