Category Archives: Emotions & Money

The Power of Money is Relative

What could you do with an extra $100 a month? Your reaction to that question has a lot do with how much you’re used to making. You see, the way you feel about money is relative.

We’ve all seen the “What is rich?” debate rage. There are those who swear that $250,000 a year is just barely getting by, and those who think that’s utterly ridiculous, because of course bringing home $250K big ones is rich, no matter who you are. » Read more

The Entrepreneurial Money Mindset

As an entrepreneur, have you ever thought that all your money worries would go away if your business took off and became successful?

Well, the truth is that money worries don’t go away unless and until you address them. It’s not outside success that makes that happen — it’s you :)

And that’s good news. Addressing them could mean anything from blogging about personal finance, to setting up systems for how you handle your money, to changing your mindset about money in general.

Money mindset is typically the most important, because they way you view things directly affects the choices you make and the actions you take. And that’s what Jason Van Orden of the Impact group and I talk about today in this audio interview:

Check it out by clicking the play button above :)

The Power of Belief

Have you ever thought about the power of belief? It’s an amazing thing.

If you believe that you’re terrible with money, or you have no willpower, or that you’ll always have a car payment…well, you’ll be right.

Likewise, if you believe that be successful, get out of debt and stay out, and be in great financial shape…you will. » Read more

Needs vs. Wants

You may not give a great deal of thought to needs vs. wants, but hearing things like “I need a new car” when the person saying it is driving a perfectly serviceable car bugs me.

Don’t get me wrong — I find nothing wrong with buying new things, even big stuff like a new car. (Although I prefer used cars myself.) What irritates me is that the line between needs vs. wants gets crossed so casually. They don’t need a new whatever. They want a new whatever. There’s a big difference. » Read more

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