Appreciating the Things You Have

Happy Thanksgiving, to those in the United States.

Thanksgiving is a time for appreciating the things you have, from the finer things in life to the ordinary-and-often-overlooked things like the clothes on our backs and a place to live. But Thanksgiving is not just a holiday celebrated at two different times by two different countries.

Thanksgiving is a state of mind.

If you make it a point to appreciate the things that you have year-round, chances are you’ll be both more content and better off financially.

When you’re not constantly yearning for the next thing, you can enjoy what you have already, and you don’t have to go out and spend more money (that you may or may not have).

Many of us have so much that chances are, we’re not even using or enjoying all of the things we have already.

Taking a look in your closets or taking stock of your life can bring things to the forefront that you might have forgotten about, and you can get new pleasure from those things and from spending time with loved ones.


  • “Thanksgiving is a state of mind.

    If you make it a point to appreciate the things that you have year-round, chances are you’ll be both more content and better off financially.”

    Very well said. The key to happiness is really about learning how to be content.

  • Even though the last few years have been very rough, I have so many things to be thankful for. I’m a fir believer that there is always a silver lining.